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Top Ten Tips For Overall Health

TOP TEN TIPS, to promote your health

1.) Breakfast is VERY important! 

Your body needs energy, after a long night's rest.

Foods high in Low GI Carbohydrates are the best choice for breakfast.

Examples: Whole grain, or the "heavier" health bread, now available in all supermarkets.

Breakfast cereal. (Low GI and NO added sugar. Weatbix, muesli, oatmeal porridge, maltabella)

Fruits: fruits such as peaches, melon, banana, apples, etc. are usually the best.

By skipping meals, you’re contributing to hunger that gets out of control. Of course, this leads to overeating later in the day.

Skipping breakfast contributes to concentration problems, especially in school-aged children, and people with high profile, or stressful work.

2.) Enjoy your food

Try to eat a variety of foods from the different food groups every day.

 Share food with family and friends. Meals are like a social event, and social interaction makes one feel good.

 3.) Eat many different types of food

A variety of foods, from the different food groups, is the winning recipe for good health. You need some different vitamins and minerals for good health, and there is not one type of food that can meet all your needs. There are no good or bad foods in their natural form, so you do not have to give up foods you almost enjoy.

Find the balance, and make the right food choices.

 4.) Make the basis of your food Carbohydrates

This food group provides the necessary energy, vitamins and minerals. Foods high in carbohydrates are, brown pasta, bread, cereals, vegetables and fruits.

Try to include this food group with every meal, as half of the calories you need in your diet should come from this food group.

5.) Eat vegetables and fruits, with every meal

Enjoy vegetables and fruits at every meal, and use them as tasty snacks between meals. This food group provides vitamins, minerals, and the necessary fiber for gut health. Try to include at least 5 servings from the food group in your diet.

6.) The facts about fats

Healthy fats are important in the human diet. Too much saturated fat is bad for any health. Saturated fats are found in whole cream dairy products, processed or refined foods, pies, pastries, fatty take-away meals, and processed meats.

(Not all processed meat, however, has a high fat content. Read the labels for fat percentages.) Try to balance your meals. If you eat a high fat meal for lunch, balance it out with a low fat evening meal.

7.) Healthy snacks

Snacks help for sustained energy throughout the day, providing essential nutrients. Choose healthy snacks such as; biltong, dried fruits, hard cheeses (less fat), high fiber biscuits, nuts and, fruits.

8.) Drink enough water

You need to take in enough water throughout the day as half of your body is made up of water. Many times the feeling of hunger, actually your body's way of telling you, is thirsty.

Dehydration leads to poor concentration. At least 6 glasses of water are needed daily. When you exercise, or when it's a hot day, your body needs more than 6 glasses of water a day.

9.) Take care of your teeth

Take care of your teeth by brushing them at least 2 times a day. Morning and evening. Flux every day, to prevent sugars and starch, damaging your gums. Starch and sugars play a very important role in bad teeth and gums.

Fruit juices, have a high sugar content, as well as acids that damage your teeth. Always rinse your mouth with water after drinking fruit juice. I dilute fruit juice with half the juice and half water per glass.

10.) Practice

To be fit is very important for a healthy heart, and a healthy bone structure. Try to increase your heart rate every day for at least 20 minutes. Do an exercise that you like, then chances are you will keep doing it.Walk at a fast pace with your dog. Swim, play tennis, dance, go to a gym (you might make new friends too!)

By consuming too many calories throughout the day, and not balancing it too much through energy output, you expose yourself to weight gain. Moderate exercise helps burn extra calories. You do not need to be an athlete to get moving!

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