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6 Reasons Why You Fail To Misfortune Weight

 Does Self-Discipline Give You Freedom? Why Do You Fail To Lose Weight Again & Again

You want to lose weight.

You find that you eat a lot, eat unhealthy, and don't like exercise.

You think these are the reasons why you are fat.

So you think: If you eat less, eat healthy, and exercise regularly, you can lose weight.

Then you start to eat less and exercise more.

But this is not easy for you who need to lose weight.

Hmm... No wonder they say that losing weight is a counterattack.

So you stick to it and stick to it.

Maybe you have lost your weight, or maybe you haven't lost your weight. You expect it to drop faster and faster.

This way you don't have to control your mouth and move your legs like this.

Maybe you are suffering and happy in the process, maybe you can't find any happiness, maybe you finally feel that your freedom is given to you by self-discipline.

But you never thought that there are other ways.

Because people say that being fat means poor willpower, and failing to lose weight means lack of determination, and the mouth can't control how to control life.

For these things, I will say "Bah" gracefully, and then tell you there are other ways to go.

But you are going to scold me "get off".

1. There is a correlation between being fat and eating more, being thin and eating less, but it does not mean that they are causal, and it does not mean that you can lose weight by letting yourself eat less.

The result caused some controversy, and some people could not accept it, so today I will talk more about this topic.

You must have heard a tale that some celebrities smoke all year round and eventually live to be 80 or 90 years old. Or there is a 100+ year old man who has smoked for a lifetime.

Can it prove that smoking has no effect on lifespan?

Of course not, those who smoked and died young, you can't hear their stories, this is a survivor's deviation .

In the same way, if you firmly believe that "weight loss = eat less and exercise more + persistence + determination", is it possible that you only see all kinds of stories about persisting and becoming a winner in life on various social media, but you can't see thousands of stories How many times have failed to lose weight, or even went astray?

2. Losing weight = eating less, the underlying logic of this matter is not true.

We can't say that we are fat because we eat too much. Then eat less as a way to lose weight.

Reason 1:

There is only correlation between how much you eat and fat or thin, but there is no causal relationship .

Food intake is not the only and direct factor that affects weight loss. There are at least six possibilities for the correlation between "eat a lot" and "fat":

1. Eating too much leads to weight gain.

2. The weight gain leads to eating more.

3. Other reasons lead to weight gain and eating more.

4. Eating too much leads to weight gain, and weight gain also leads to eating too much.

5. Eating too much leads to another event, which then leads to weight gain.

6. The correlation between eating more and gaining weight is just a coincidence.

Judging from common sense, apart from the last one that can be basically eliminated, the first five reasons are all possible, right?

Reason 2:

Blindly letting yourself eat less may not make you thinner . Even if there is a causal relationship between the two, the antecedent may not be suitable as a method of weight loss.

Reason is reason, method is method, execution is execution, and continuous is continuous.

Study hard and study seriously, this kind of thing has been read by parents and teachers for a lifetime, and then? The online rate of general high school is only 50%, so there is no need to mention higher education.

Knowing what to do, letting oneself do it, and letting oneself keep doing it are three things.

Just like, everyone knows that smoking is harmful to your health. This line is printed on cigarette packs, and even foreign cigarette packs have pictures of heavy flavors (you can search for "foreign cigarette packs" if you are interested).

So how do people who smoke two packs a day stop smoking? How to ensure that you never smoke again in this life?

Smoking is harmful to health, this is the theory .

Quitting smoking is a matter of implementation .

3. You have mastered various weight-loss theories, and you know more than a dozen ways to lose weight, but you still haven't lost weight. What's the problem?

Every time you fail to lose weight, try to find various new methods on the Internet, and then search for whether the xx method can lose weight, and whether the xx method has a good weight loss effect.

However, the reason why you failed to lose weight last time was not because of a bad method, but because you failed to continue .

*Note, I'm talking about failure to persist, not failure to persist, persistence and persistence are two different things, persistence is only one of the ways to persist .

The more fundamental reason is that you have never jumped out of the framework of "weight loss = eating less + exercise + persistence + perseverance". In fact, if you change 10,000 methods, the result will probably not change.

The problem you really need to solve is: let yourself start, let yourself execute for a long time.

This should be something that needs your energy to think, but you have no brain to give them to the willpower to persist. If I fail, I blame myself for poor perseverance and lack of determination.

Isn't it weird?

Why do you think that the blood given to yourself this time can ensure that you have enough willpower to stick to the day when you lose weight?

4. You find that you are fat, eat a lot, and love snacks and junk food. So the solution is to eat less, quit snacks, and follow various "healthy" dietary principles.

In fact, everyone knows how to eat.

Whether it is you who weighs 200 kg or who weighs 100 kg, both have the ability to self-regulate and are equally able to receive gastrointestinal signals.

The difference is that because of those weight loss ideas that restrict intake, your time, energy, and mood are all used to fight food and appetite, as well as the upset and self-blame after each loss of control.

As a result, you are less and less confident in your diet and feel less and less secure .

You no longer listen to the sounds of your body, no longer feel the signals from your stomach. You don’t believe that you can eat a reasonable diet aside from calories and self-limitation (although this takes time).

If you don't believe in your body, how can you learn to treat food naturally like a thin man?

You ask: So what would you like to eat? No more calories? Wouldn’t it be getting fatter? Wasn't it this way when I was fat?

Wait...Are you a thin man now? In other words, are you no longer fat the second after you decide to lose weight?

Now you are already fat and will continue to get fat for a long time, because it is not a matter of ten and a half months to lose weight. This is a fact.

In the past, because you couldn't accept the words mentioned above, every time you decided to lose weight, you started to let yourself eat less, and started to quit this and that.

and then? You find that you can't do it, you still want to eat, even overeating, guilt and annoyed again and again, blame yourself for poor willpower again and again, and again and again give yourself more restrictions.

Who told you that after you start to lose weight, you will be able to eat and drink like a thin person?

Do you think you will become skinny by eating like this?

How long have you been silently repeating your current daily lifestyle?

These have become habitual things, and you want to break them from today by holding your mouth and opening your legs.

How many people can do it? How many people can keep doing it? What's more, you don't need to do this.

The difficulty of these weight loss programs is not that you have poor perseverance, but that it is too difficult .

This is not your problem.

Why is it difficult to lose weight? This is your problem- it's difficult to lose weight, because you have adjusted its difficulty to hell mode.

Your pride and determination make you unwilling to accept the slimming ways that can really change your lifestyle. As a result, you may not be able to lose weight faster. Instead, you will lose weight more and more.

Changing from fat to thin is a long-term process . On the one hand, it takes time to adjust your body; on the other hand, it takes time to change your mind, mentality, and concepts.

5. You divide the food into three, six or nine classes, and treat food as an enemy. In fact, thin people also like snacks and junk food, they also like all kinds of food, thin people are not monks...

The difference is that thin people don’t eat because they have enough or are not interested. You don’t eat because they are afraid of being fat or because of high calories.

You have spent a lot of energy fighting against external foods and inner appetites. You never thought about what you want to eat and how much you want to eat on the premise of peacefully getting along with yourself. You have never seriously felt the taste of food. And the actual needs of your own stomach.

Why can thin people eat naturally?

It's because he is thin inside and has a normal eating style, not from his self-discipline or fine calorie calculation.

I know that some people will be stunned by the word "self-discipline". Let me put it another way. The difficulty of eating a bite of French fries is different from yours. Is this acceptable?

It is not that thin people are more self-disciplined, but they just know how to eat, that is, they can hear their inner needs and gastrointestinal feelings, and there is little resistance to turning these thoughts into actions.

If your goal is to become such a thin person, then allowing yourself to eat and what you want to eat must be the prerequisite for you to lose weight.

Only in this way can you have a sufficient sense of food security, and have the mood and energy to pay attention to the signals that are really helpful to improve your diet.

And if your goal is to become xx Jin, go out and turn right-diet, meal replacement, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, cupping, slimming patch.

There are tens of millions of things that can make you lose weight, and only you can do it yourself.

6. Many people call people who have succeeded in losing weight in various slimming apps as "life winners."

In fact, the real thin people live silently.

I sincerely recommend that you be wary of those who regard "skinny" as an achievement in life (whatever they say). While they say "self-discipline gives me freedom", they intentionally or unintentionally take you into the pit and let you deprive yourself of your freedom, even Change your perception of freedom.

Does self-discipline give you freedom?

My understanding of freedom is to do what I want to do, not to do what I don’t want to do.

How do I feel that achieving this state does not require self-discipline?

Have you thought your "freedom" requires self-discipline, because you put someone else's freedom, as the own requirements ?

Eating what I want to eat, and not eating what I don’t want to eat, this is freedom.

Eating what I "should" eat, and not eating what I "cannot" is a requirement.

Self-discipline tells you whether you should or can, but in fact the point is "do you want to" .

It is your thoughts and behavior patterns that determine your weight and weight, not what you ask yourself to eat and how much you eat.

Real freedom is that you live for yourself, respect your own wishes, and don't wrong yourself because of other people and things.

Self-love can give you freedom.

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