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3 Key Tips That You're Dehydrated

3 Key Tips That You're Dehydrated

I don't know why we're talking about dehydration today it's a really boring topic but it's important to talk about because we all need to stay hydrated and figuring out how much water you need to drink is close to impossible. Because it depends on so many different factors so in this article I'm going to talk about three signs you can use to figure out if you're hydrated enough or not.

No.1 Pay Attention To How You're Feeling: Now if you've been feeling a little bit tired lightheaded and you feel just kind of off and you can't really understand why you might just be dehydrated try to drink a glass of water and see if that goes away for me the headaches usually come when I'm dehydrated so instead of reaching out for those pills I reach out for the water and usually within half an hour I'm okay so try to drink water whenever you're feeling off and see if that does a trick if it doesn't then maybe there's a bigger issue and you know we need to go see your doctor.

No.2 Check The Color Of Your Pee: Ahhh yea it's not so exciting but it's a really good way to figure out if you're hydrated or not and I think it's actually one of the best ways so the next time you pee a check of the color the color should be a pale straw color anything darker than that means you're dehydrated and if it's like this brownish yellow you are severely dehydrated get some water in your system stat now I should point out that it is possible to be over hydrated so clear pee is not a good thing so many people say your piece should be clear it's okay once in a while it's not gonna kill you but if your pee is constantly clear that means you're over hydrated and you risk losing electrolytes.

No.3 Do The Skin Pinch Test: So what does the skin pinch test it's really easy you take your hand and you take a little bit of skin on the top of your hand pinch it move it up about a centimetre oh it's hurting and then you drop it if the skin falls really quickly that means you are not dehydrated but this the skin stays in the folded position for a while and it takes some time to move down you're probably dehydrated get some water in your system.

So there you have it three ways you can figure out if you're dehydrated or not so let's say you do these things and you figure out you are dehydrated that means you need to drink more water and I know it's easier said than done.

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