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What to do if employees are latently sabotaged

What to do if employees are latently sabotaged? With one trick, let the employees get a job without spending more money

This year's epidemic has accelerated the deaths of a group of "problem companies", and the rest are dying.

What are the signs before a business fails?

Lack of money? Lack of people? Lack of performance? Management issues?

How to judge whether your business is healthy?

How to escape from the crisis?

First of all, let’s take a look at the top 5 performances of dying companies, and see if your company has these problems:

Lack of talent, no generals available

" A thousand soldiers are anything but difficult to get, however a general is elusive." This is a Chinese saying and a strong truth.

Many business owners rely on their own strength to build their business, but one's power must be limited. If there is no general, the business will not have the opportunity to leapfrog development. Some business owners are even complacent about this, enjoying the feeling of being "independent in the world" in the company. Little does it know that the crisis is already hidden in the enterprise.

There is no broad mind to bring in high-quality and high-level people to run the enterprise, and there is no professional education and incentive mechanism. Over time, the entire enterprise is hovering at a low level and a low level, and it can survive in calm times. Once it encounters a crisis, this type of enterprise is the first to die.

Chaotic workflow

Many small and medium-sized companies have followed the "one person and several jobs" method of doing things when they just started. "One person and several jobs" in the company's start-up period is the embodiment of cost-saving and flexible office, which is an advantage. But this is also the reason why many small enterprises cannot develop in the later period.

"One person with multiple roles" is extremely prone to the problem of confusion in the work process. One thing is not done, another thing is coming again, and it is impossible to focus on being refined and strong. Therefore, a standardized execution process cannot be formed, and the organizational model cannot be replicated, so the company naturally cannot do much.


Small companies, survival first, development second; first of all, they must ensure that they can survive and have the capital to survive, instead of talking about strengthening internal management and strengthening organizational structure all the time like large companies.

Large companies believe in "management yields benefits." Many of our small and medium-sized company bosses and leaders either come from large companies or blindly worship "large corporate management models". Therefore, in the daily operation process, they also copy large companies. The "management operation mode" of the enterprise strengthens internal management.

For example, let marketers fill in various reports and participate in various training exams every day, so that marketers simply don't have any time, energy, and mood to engage in real marketing work. By the end of the month, the performance was bleak, and I looked back on the reasons, and believed that it was the poor ability of the staff, the lack of training, and the management needs to be strengthened. Finally, the company entered an endless loop!

On the surface, it looks like a small company is humbly learning from the "mature management model" of a large company, but in essence it hurts itself.

What small companies need is a management model that suits their current development needs, rather than copying the management model of large companies. Too much management is more terrible than no management!

The process is cumbersome and complicated

The biggest shortcoming of small companies is "small", they do not have enough strength and capital, but the biggest advantage of small companies is also "small". "Small boats turn around well", with quick and timely response, which is difficult for large enterprises to achieve.

However, in the real world, many of our small companies abandon their "small" advantages and deal with the market and run their own companies with the cumbersome and complicated processes that they are least good at and should not do. This is the most pitiful and sad thing, but it is vividly interpreted in many of our small companies.

I have been in contact with a small and medium-sized company. In terms of process, I have done something dumbfounding: a very small thing in the company, it is layer by layer, and it has been approved by nearly 10 people. Some people were too busy to see that the process was approved in time, and this trivial matter was delayed for a day or two.

It's really not the life of a big company, but it's diseased by a big company.

Once the process of a small company becomes cumbersome and complicated, it means that the small company loses its biggest advantage in competition, and most of the company's employees' time will be spent on these "internal processes."

The process of a small company is cumbersome and complicated, but it also implies another meaning: that is, the company employees have too little time to "do effective work", too many employees who do not make money, and a large number of employees who "do nothing" with limited funds. It is fatal to companies that are already short of funds.

Too many employees who don’t make money

The core purpose of the company's operation is to obtain benefits and ensure the normal operation and long-term development of the company. The employees of the company are divided into two categories: profitable employees and non-profitable employees.

Generally speaking, employees who make money mainly refer to marketing personnel and R&D personnel, who belong to specific functional departments and create direct benefits for the company. Non-profitable employees mainly refer to our platform personnel, including administration, personnel, finance, logistics, etc.

The company keeps these two types of employees at a reasonable ratio, and basically can create a certain amount of profit.

But there is another situation, that is, employees are less motivated and fish in troubled waters. This problem is the most serious, and it can be described as the "biggest hazard" in the course of business operations.

Many bosses are strictly guarding against such problems, but the company lacks a scientific, reasonable and stimulating performance management mechanism. In the end, the company has more and more employees who are "mixed with life", and talents cannot be retained. It is reasonable for the company to decline in operation.

How to solve these problems?

First of all, we should first understand the reasons. General company problems are nothing more than the following 9 reasons:

1. Believe that one's own contribution is not proportional to the income, that the contribution is greater than the gain, and are not satisfied with their own income.

2. Think that the company's salary system is unreasonable, lacks challenges, has no motivation, and does or does not do the same.

3. The performance management of the enterprise itself is loose. It will be the same if it is done today and tomorrow, without the necessary supervision.

4. Employees hold different opinions on the corporate culture and corporate values, it is difficult to mobilize their own passion and lack a sense of belonging.

5. There is a lack of competition within the enterprise, access can not be exited, can go up and down, and the phenomenon of mismatch between people and positions breeds.

6. The employees feel that the prospects for promotion and salary increase are bleak, and the phenomenon of being a monk hitting the clock for a day is spreading.

7. Enterprises say one thing, do one thing, loose management, fail to comply with laws, not strictly enforce laws, fail to investigate violations, and have low enforcement power.

8. The company only uses and does not train, and lacks training for employees, which reduces the employees' enthusiasm and skills.

9. Managers talk on paper, theory is bigger than reality, strategic thinking is out of touch with the market, and employees should not support it.

So how to solve it?

We say that corporate problems are divided into three categories: people, things, and things.

All corporate problems are human problems.

The mediocre boss takes care of "things" and "things", letting a bunch of small things make him feel dizzy, and the more busy things get;

Smart bosses manage "people" and use scientific and reasonable incentive mechanisms to allow employees to do things voluntarily and free themselves to do bigger things.

So, how to design an incentive mechanism to inspire employees' fighting spirit and let him work hard for himself without increasing the cost of the company?

How to make "employees work for themselves" is the key to the incentive mechanism, and it is also a question that all business owners should think about.

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