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African Tribe Live on the Border of a Volcano

African Tribe Live On The Border Of A Volcano And What They Do To Survive Is Astonishing

Cabello is a town that lies in southern Ethiopia it's located within the Borneo Zone which borders Kenya. The town is an administrative hub for the area within the town are two schools a bank a post office and two gas stations but that might not seem like much but the population at you below was just under eighteen thousand five hundred in 2005.

You had 90 miles south on the road from you bellow you'll come upon a smaller very remote village called Elsa the village is tiny and isolated and what makes it so unique is that it sits at the edge of an extinct volcano the rocky landscape is about a mile in diameter and it's one is inside the crater that has kept the villagers living there. The salted Lake inside the crater is essential to villagers Elsa translates to house of salt the salt is at the bottom of the lake which is several metres deep and there are three different types of salt the people of the village rely on all three for their survival. Black salt is the most common type in the lake and it's the least valuable the black salt is sold to be used by animals because it contains mineral benefits that are great for cattle this salt has become increasingly popular in vegan recipes too.

The crater also contains white salt and in the thick deposits of the lake are salt crystals the salt crater was formed several years ago it's the result of geological activity known as the East African Rift it created a split that runs for thousands of miles It brought minerals and water to the surface the Rift caused multiple lakes to form it also caused volcanoes and salt deposits across Ethiopia Uganda Zambia Mozambique and Kenya. One formation that was created by the Rift is called Aldo than guy it's an active Tanzanian volcano it's unique because it creates nano carbonatite lava. In 1960 the volcano erupted and that led to an investigation that proved a geological theory after the eruption experts were able to confirm that magma is a source of carbonatite it's a type of rock that contains a high level of rare elements.

Now sods population is about 3,000 and the Borneo people make up the vast majority of it there are other ethnic groups in the wider Barina zone including the Roma people the Borgia and the Gabe you. In 2007 there were nearly a million people who were living in Ethiopia's Barina zone the brain of people speak a number of languages and practice various faiths such as Christianity and Islam. The Oromo tribe of the area have their own religion called wick fauna their belief system revolves around one single God who created the universe and communicates with his subjects through spirits it's one of the most ancient religions and only about 3% of the people or 1 million still practice it today. The aronia people are also known for their political system it's a democratic system that's been practiced for hundreds of years new leaders are elected every eight years and the candidates are all from the same party the parties remain in power for 40 years. The people who live in the village don't live like our modern lives today there are hundreds of residents in the area and there is no running water to the village when the dry season hits the people depend on water wells that are several miles away the people of the village have no electricity and the only entertainment option they have is a basic cinema that's powered by a petrol generator the people of the tribe work very hard they rely on the salted lake and most are salt miners the men dive into the lake to collect the salt which they then sell to nearby towns and counties they've been doing this for generations and it is grueling work it's very hot outside and the men have no protection from the heat they take donkey caravans to the village that carried many pounds of salt. The animals can't be out during the day due to the heat though so they're sent back down to the village to find shade the work is very hard workers have to deal with intense heat and the salt water is so corrosive it destroys their clothes.

The salt also causes skin conditions and scratches some men are broken by the work in their 30s and some in their 50s when they can no longer work the men can't provide for their families they also have no access to medical attention they're the closest Medical Center is miles away which could be a very difficult trip for injured workers to keep the people from getting salt into their bodies they make plugs using lumps of earth wrapped in plastic bags they put these in their noses and ears but it doesn't always help many of the divers lose their sense of hearing and smell since they have no protection for their eyes the workers often go blind when the men come out of the salt water they look like alabaster statues they do all of this just to stay in their homes keep money in their pockets and support their families what these people do is incredible.

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