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"Prince of Persia" Ups and Downs for 30 Years: A Doomed Project, The Dark Side Of The Prince

"Prince of Persia" Ups and Downs for 

30 Years: A Doomed Project

The Dark Side Of The Prince

"Prince of Persia" Ups and Downs for  30 Years: A Doomed Project,  The Dark Side Of The Prince

A Doomed Project

So there is the scene at the beginning of the article: The young project leader Giannis Marat is worried about the upcoming expedition. Although the early ideas for the new "Prince of Persia" have been in development for some time, according to Marat, "I didn't get any new ideas at all." The team designed things very old-school, nothing more than running in a 3D environment and avoiding traps. Marat realized that the team had to change completely, starting from scratch.

A new six-person team was quickly formed. The only instruction Marat gave them was to come up with "interesting designs that would please the players." For Marat's team, colleagues at Ubisoft Montreal were not optimistic. Think this is a failed project doomed to die.

But the team’s creativity saved them at the last minute. According to the designers’ brainstorming ideas, the new Prince of Persia will be more flexible and actionable than most 3D game characters. "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and "The Matrix" It is their ideal reference target. In the new demonstration, the prince can not only climb the wall, but also swing on the railing like a gymnast, etc.-These are the logo designs for action-adventure games today. Was designed.

When Jordan Mackina watched the demo, the team including Giannis Marat was still speculating, until Mackina turned around and told them: "Guys, you guys have reawakened my passion for making games."

So the new "Prince of Persia" officially began to enter the production link, Jordan Mackina not only served as the creative design, but also personally responsible for writing the script for the game. As an experienced game producer, Mackinac has strict and unique requirements for the narrative style of the new "Prince of Persia". He believes that the game should minimize the number of plots and allow players to participate in the development of the plot; at the same time, the game plot and story should serve the gameplay itself, and should not be separated from the gameplay to meaninglessly stack the plot.

The original background plot of "Prince of Persia" is designed with a large number of characters from different positions, lengthy dialogues, and a prince whose goal is not always clear. At the insistence of Jordan Mackina, the overall plot of the game has been extensively deleted, and the creative direction of the story has been adjusted, focusing on the biggest creative gameplay of the game: the sand of time that allows people to return to time to create stories And characters.

The idea for Sands of Time came from the game’s creative director Patrice Desilets. This equally talented designer (he later became the creative director of the "Assassin's Creed" and "Assassin's Creed 2" trilogy) once proposed in the previous game "The Adventures of Donald": when the player died Back to the game, so that the player can avoid replaying the entire level, but was rejected by the producer. However, Giannis Marat, the producer of "Prince of Persia", liked this idea very much, and he did not hesitate to replace the originally planned Unreal Engine with the emerald engine used in "Beyond Good and Evil" in order to realize this function, because the emerald engine is easier to implement. This feature.

Therefore, the theme and title of the game are officially determined as "Sands of Time". The flexible prince who is like a gymnast can reverse time has become the core gameplay of the game. All story plots, scene levels, and action designs are developed around the same theme.

Despite many talented producers, clear game themes and goals, the subsequent development of "Sands of Time" is still full of hardships and difficulties: shortened construction period, reduced content, and replaced the image engine. . . and many more. But within the end it proved to be worthwhile. "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" sold 2 million copies within two months of its listing, which made Ubisoft show off to investors in its earnings report that year. The media and players highly praised the quality of the game. Many of the 3D action designs of "Sands of Time" have become industry standards, and "Prince of Persia" has become an extremely important new game IP under Ubisoft.

The Dark Side Of The Prince

The outstanding performance of "Prince of Persia: Sands of Time" makes every player look forward to the coming of the next game in the series, and in the financial report of Ubisoft in the spring of 2004, it was also reported that "Prince of Persia" was developing a sequel. news. Players are eagerly waiting, hoping to play the Prince of Persia once again to experience the Arab culture where romance and magic coexist.

However, the transformation of the sequel "Warrior's Heart" surprised everyone: the gentle prince in the previous game became mature, violent, dark, and even swearing; the overall artistic style of the game changed from the original Arabic Oriental style. It has become a fantasy Gothic style, which makes players feel dark and depressed; the content of the battle has increased significantly, and the female characters are dressed boldly. . .

Although the quality of "Warrior's Heart" itself is still not low, the huge change in style has attracted a lot of controversy. Players who like the romantic oriental adventure style of "Sands of Time" and those who approve the dark American action style of "Warrior's Heart" have quarreled and cannot understand each other.

In fact, the biggest reason for the change in style of "Warrior's Heart" is the replacement of the core creative team. Giannis Marat, the production director of "Sands of Time", started his gradual career after the game's great success, and has never been the producer of a single game. The creative director of "Sands of Time" Patrice Desiletz, originally responsible for the sequel to "Sands of Time", has also spent nearly a year creating the pre-concepts for the sequel to "Prince of Persia". The concept he designed for the sequel is to let the player control a bodyguard to protect the prince, and turn the sequel of "Prince of Persia" into an assassin-like action game, named "Prince of Persia: Assassin". However, Ubisoft refused to bring this idea into the sequel of "Prince of Persia" on the grounds of "not focusing on the protagonist of the series". But Desiletz and his team have since been assigned to a new project to continue conceiving his assassin game. Later we all learned that this game is "Assassin's Creed".

The original creator of "Prince of Persia" Jordan Mackina, who was responsible for writing the script and creative consultant for "Sands of Time", did not participate in the development of the sequel. Because Disney just bought the film adaptation rights of "Prince of Persia", Mckina signed to be the screenwriter of the film, planning to write a new story specifically for the film.

So although the development team of "Heart of Warrior" has many employees of "Sands of Time", the change of the main creative team directly led to a significant change in the game style. The new producer no longer likes "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and "The Matrix", he likes "The Lord of the Rings", "Silent Hill", Babylon and Sky Garden.

In addition to the change in artistic style, "Warrior's Heart" has greatly adjusted the combat system in "Sands of Time" that has been criticized by some players. The prince's fighting styles are more diverse, the combination is richer, and the action expressiveness is more impressive. It fully embodies the prince's martial charm after he matures. The producer stated that the purpose of the prince character design in "Heart of the Warrior" is to arouse the anger of the players, so as to have an emotional resonance with the troubled prince.

Although the change of style makes "Heart of Warrior" full of controversy, it does add more and richer elements to the previous work. In terms of sales, "Heart of Warrior" initially performed slightly better than "Sand of Time". In just one month, nearly 2 million copies were sold, and the sequel was arranged as it should be.

In the last month of year December 2005, "Prince of Persia: Unparalleled Kings" was launched. As the last part of the trilogy, "Wang Zhe Wushuang" basically follows the creative team of "Heart of Warrior". This time the prince returned to Babylon’s home, but the evil minister would still not let him go. Sand would still destroy the city. The prince must save himself and everything he loves again.

After experiencing the controversy of "Warrior's Heart", the development team has a new idea: Why not balance and unify the design of "Sands of Time" and "Warrior's Heart" to retain as many players as possible ? So in "Wang Zhe Wushuang", the prince infected by sand will split into two personalities, light and dark. The light prince uses the blade of time as a weapon and is good at fighting on the ground, just like the prince of "Sands of Time"; while the black prince is more flexible and bloodier, good at stealth assassination and street fighting. But becoming a black prince will keep losing lives, and the game will fail if you don’t return to being a prince of light before life dies.

"Wang Zhe Wushuang" still adds many elements: stealth, instant kill, chariot and still beautiful Farah. After completely destroying the Black Prince, the prince and Farah are completely free. Although there are still many controversies in "King Wushuang", it does bring a solid end to the "Prince of Persia" trilogy.

To Be Continued...

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