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"Prince of Persia" Ups and Downs for 30 Years: Prosperous in Ubisoft, Died in the Times

"Prince of Persia" Ups and Downs for 30 Years: Prosperous in Ubisoft, Died in the Times

"Prince of Persia" Ups and Downs for 30 Years: Prosperous in Ubisoft, Died in the Times

After the E3 exhibition in 2001, Yannis Mallat, who had just become the new project leader in Ubisoft's Montreal studio, felt extremely anxious. There is no other reason. This new project is about to face a "creative test". There will be a designer to examine the creative quality, production feasibility, team ability, etc. of the project. The result of the inspection will directly determine the life and death of the project The future of the newly formed team.

The project that Giannis Marat was brewing was the later famous "Prince of Persia: Sands of Time". Marat later became the CEO of Ubisoft Canada because of his role as the project leader of "Prince of Persia".

But that’s all for later. In 2001, Giannis Marat still knew nothing about his future and the future of "Prince of Persia". The only thing he could clearly recognize at the time was that his team was likely to communicate. But the "creative test", because the designers who came to research weren't the standard talking colleagues in Ubisoft, but people that had a really unique pursuit of "Prince of Persia", Arab culture, and game design-the original " "Prince of Persia" producer Jordan Mechner (Jordan Mechner).

Start With A Documentary Director

Jordan Mackina, who was about to go to Montreal to inspect the Marat team, was not a senior or even an employee of Ubisoft at the time. He was an independent game developer, as well as a film screenwriter and documentary director. But he does have the power to determine the fate of the Montreal team, because although Ubisoft had the brand of "Prince of Persia" at the time, the copyright of "Prince of Persia" still belongs to the original developer of "Prince of Persia" Jordan Mackina. In other words, Ubisoft wants to develop a "Prince of Persia" game, the only way is to get Mackina's consent.

But Jordan Mackina is not that easy to persuade. First of all, he is a talented game designer. The first "Prince of Persia" was released in 1989. In that era when most games were still parodying "Space Invaders", Mackinac was already trying to digitize the movie to the computer to create smooth character action animations. He asked his brother to put on white clothes to make various parkour and sports actions in front of the camera, and then added these actions to the Arab cultural background game he had been conceiving. So strictly speaking, Jordan Mackinac’s younger brother is the original "Prince of Persia."

After the release of "Prince of Persia", it had been a blockbuster. The industry was amazed by its smooth movements and novel combat methods. Players were obsessed with the challenge of "Prince to save the princess in a limited time". In 1989, "Prince of Persia" sold a full 2 ​​million copies, and it was only 25-year-old Jordan Mackina, the younger brother of "Prince of Persia" Mackina, and several creators for the game. Old Mackinac of a piece of music.

Four years later, "Prince of Persia 2: Shadows and Flames" was released as a sequel. The prince will save the Persian princess who is about to die in sleep from the hands of the evil minister Jafar, who is disguised as his own image. Compared with its predecessor, "Shadow and Flame" has been improved in all aspects while maintaining its characteristics: the screen has richer colors, the cutscenes are more detailed, and the battle is more intense. Commercially, "Shadow and Flame" remains an enormous success. Although the sales of 750,000 copies are not as good as the previous work, it still allows developers and publishers to make a lot of money.

However, life will always experience ups and downs. In the following years, Jordan Mackinac, who became famous as a young man, experienced the taste of failure. The first is the detective decryption game "The Last Express" that he and his team spent four years and 5 million US dollars to build. Although it was widely acclaimed, it suffered a complete commercial failure. The publishing company Brøderbund suffered several million dollars. Loss.

Mackinac was so upset about this failure and planned to no longer engage in game development work for the time being, but it happened that the publisher said there was a plan to 3D "Prince of Persia" and asked Mackinac what it thinks. So Mackina worked as a design consultant in this game called "Prince of Persia 3D" and wrote part of the story. However, due to the acquisition, layoffs and other reasons of the development company, the project management of "Prince of Persia 3D" has been seriously out of control, resulting in the entire game becoming one of the poor imitators of "Tomb Raider" and also becoming Macky Experiences that I don’t want to mention since I was admitted.

Since then, Mackinac began to return to his documentary film director career, gradually drifting away from the game industry. Friends and fans are looking forward to his return, but no one knows when it will be. Even after Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot personally issued an invitation to discuss with him the idea of ​​developing a new "Prince of Persia" game, Mackinac's attitude is still not very positive. Not so active or even want to go to France to participate in this seminar.

"My first thought was'It would be great if I could make another excellent "Prince of Persia" game', but it was immediately replaced by "Don't make another mediocre junk game." God knows How deep is the shadow of "Prince of Persia 3D" on Mackinac, but fortunately he flew to Paris to meet with the CEO of Ubisoft, discussed some matters related to the IP of "Prince of Persia", and watched Ubisoft’s Planning PPT prepared by "Prince of Persia".

Although everything seems sincere, Jordan Mackina still has not made a final decision: "You know, "Prince of Persia 3D" looks very good at the beginning." Mackina told Ubisoft's senior management that he needs to personally Only by meeting with the producer and production team and personally watching the game-related design can the final judgment be made.

To Be Continued...

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