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18th September Edition Of The Friday Night Smackdown & Wrestling News

18th September Edition Of The Friday Night Smackdown & Wrestling News

The show opened up with an episode of The Dirt Sheet, where Miz revealed he was the one who had sent Mandy Rose to Raw, and it was all because she was the only thing holding Otis back from ascending to the top of the SmackDown totem pole, something something lies. This brought out Otis, who promptly murdered both Miz and Morrison, and then went back for some more. Miz was wearing tighty whities. Comedy. But then backstage, Miz revealed it was all part of the plan. He jumped on the telephone and said "did you see that? Is it enough?” before smiling and walking away.

Later in the show, it was revealed that he’d hit Otis with a lawsuit, for some reason, because it’s so rare for people to get beaten up on a wrestling show, which would force Otis to relinquish the Money in the Bank briefcase. He has one week to decide what to do, which is convenient, because I think he might do it on next week’s show. Weirdly, when Otis turns to Tucker and says ‘we’re in trouble’, Tucker then says ‘no, you’re in trouble’. Dick move Tucky. Dick move. How could you possibly abandon your friend. I wouldn’t know anything about that. Well at least this story has a point now, even if it’s not great.

After that it’s time for more tag team dissension, because in a match between Gran Metalik and Cesaro, Kalisto and Lince Dorado argued and got themselves both ejected, allowing Cesaro to beat Metalik. So naturally, Lucha House Party are challenging for the titles at Clash of Champions.

After that came a Moment of Bliss with Nikki Cross as Alexa’s special guest. Nikki of course is facing Bayley at Clash of Champions - Goldmember, so she cut a quick promo on her to attempt to further that story, but the real story here is Alexa still referring to Nikki as her best friend and attempting to explain her actions before Lacey Evans interrupted and said Nikki Cross doesn’t have a mean streak. Former member of Sanity, Nikki Cross, doesn’t have a mean streak.

This led into Nikki vs Lacey, which Nikki just won! She had a really cool fire up spot leading into the finish, and maintained...neck control? After hitting a tornado DDT, leading into the neckbreaker for the win. But Lacey saw Alexa on commentary - Alexa’s Uncool Podcast launches this Tuesday didn’t you know - and crawled over to her saying “what, are you going to get The Fiend", which incited Alexa indeed to coat over, hit Sister Abigail on Lacey and leave. I like this story, but I think something else needs to happen now instead of Alexa just hitting Sister Abigails.

Sasha Banks was interviewed remotely from the Performance Center next, and after cutting an emotional promo about how her and Bayley used to walk the halls of the Performance Center saying they were going to take over WWE some day, Bayley attacked her again from behind, wrapping another chair around her neck, but she was stopped before she could do it again. My only complaint with this segment is that Bayley should have done it again. It would have been so good. But this was still great. Remember that Bayley vs Nikki Cross is happening at Clash of Champions, though it doesn’t really feel like it. It’s all about Nikki and Alexa and Bayley and Banks.

In the “matchup I didn’t realise how much I wanted until it began” of the month, AJ Styles took on Sami Zayn next, in a quick but fun match, with both working well with the heel vs heel dynamic. The finish was spot on, with Zayn attempting to use the tights, which the referee spotted, before Styles used the tights, which the referee didn’t spot, for the win. Zayn is getting no love, and it’s great for his character.

Jeff Hardy came out afterwards though, beat them both up and declared that at Clash of Champions - Goldeneye, it’s going to be a Triple Threat Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship. I am very much excited for that match.

Big E backstage got his own back on Sheamus, sort of, with him instead putting the security guy who tricked him through a car windshield, and then putting him in the trunk of a car. Serious Big E is genuinely incredible.

And finally, after an awesome video package earlier in the night going over the history of Roman and Jey’s family and what they mean to the wrestling industry, it was the main event of Roman & Jey vs Corbin & Sheamus in a Samoan Street Fight. This match was pretty much perfect. It felt like a really big deal that Roman was wrestling, and they gave you just enough so that you were left wanting more. Roman was taken out relatively early over the commentary table by both Sheamus and Corbin so that Jey was left alone and put through a table, but Roman fired back, Spearing Sheamus through the barricade, but then Jey Uso, of all weapons, used the Universal Title to hit Corbin, who turned around into a Spear from Reigns. Reigns then had to scramble out of the way with a look of panic on his face as Jey had already leapt off the ropes to hit a splash on Corbin, and he pinned him for the win. Afterwards, Jey teased celebrating with the title, before chucking it to Roman. The two smiled and embraced, and as Jey walked away, Roman’s smile turned to a scowl, and you know, shit’s going down at Clash of Champions - Golden Boot. All of this was perfect. The facials, the wrestling, the timing of the spots, Jey using the title, his tease afterwards, their smiles and Roman’s smile turning to a scowl, man, I cannot wait for Clash of Champions - Goldy Wang. Roman is going to kill him. I’M SO INVESTED IN ROMAN, GUYS. He feels like a superstar. He feels like a main event draw. He is...the guy. Oh god I’m a Roman mark aren’t I? Yes. I am. I’m a Roman mark and proud of it. Long live the Roman Empire!

So that was the smackdown show, let us know what you thought in the comments below. This was a great show, and really built towards the next PPV. All the stories were furthered, even if some of them aren’t the best stories Otis & Miz , but some of them are fantastic stories, and I cannot wait to watch them play out.

Wrestling News

At next weekend’s Clash of Champions - Gold Rush, the one night of the year that every main roster champion will have to defend their championship, WWE Champion Drew McIntyre will defend his strap in an ambulance, wait no sorry, a local medical automobile match against Randy Orton. Drew has been pretty dominant as champ, never really looking in serious threat of dropping the title, but if all the signs and speculation are to be believed, his reign could be coming to an end in the back of an ambulance. Writing in the latest Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Dave Meltzer pointed out that Randy’s previous clean losses to Drew and Keith Lee would point towards Randy possibly picking up the belt next weekend, because nothing says momentum like two clean losses. Classic WWE booking. What we also know is that there are at least thoughts of Randy facing Edge at WrestleMania again next year, and that this match is planned to be for the title, so WWE is running out of opportunities to put the belt on Randy, if this is the plan. Drew dropping the title in an Ambulance match would also allow him to potentially be protected in defeat, not taking a pinfall or submission loss.

Recall Roman Reigns versus Braun Strowman at Great Balls of Fire, when Roman simply missed a Spear into the emergency vehicle and Strowman won. Furthermore, discussing Roman, we've currently got a tad of a superior thought of where they're wanting to take his character, which keeps on being the best thing in WWE at this moment. The likenesses between Roman's 'Appear And Win' character and Paul Heyman's other customer Brock Lesnar are entirely clear, with Lesnar additionally appearing and winning. Indeed, even in matches he's not a piece of. Nonetheless, as per the most recent Wrestling Observer Newsletter, WWE is quick to separate Roman from any further Brock Lesnar correlations. Now THAT is a character I can truly get behind...but additionally, ooo what a heel, boo Roman.

The previous evening, wrestling news announced that previous WWE Women's Champion  Melina, had marked an agreement with WWE, and would be returning "inside the following week". Be that as it may, Melina herself has reacted to the report saying: "I AM NOT marked with the WWE. In any case, that doesn't mean it's anything but a chance. My purpose behind this post is that it pesters me that these locales lie to fans. On the off chance that I possibly get marked, don't pardon them for misleading you. I know there are those that aren't a devotee of mine, however I actually will think about them as I do my own fans." She proceeded to state that she was extraordinarily thankful for any sort of contact with WWE, yet repeated that no agreement had been agreed upon. Melina to WWE affirmed.

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